
Groundwire Coffee Roasters is dedicated to serving coffee with integrity. When it comes to sourcing, our definition of integrity is a coffee that empowers its producers both financially and socially, is environmentally friendly, and of exceptionally high quality.

When purchasing from larger lots, we rely on third party certifications such as Fair Trade and Organic to ensure the coffees we’re buying live up to our purchasing policy. At any given point in the season roughly 25% of our offerings are FTO.

The majority of our purchases, however, consist of micro-lot: small, traceable lots of coffee purchased (by our importers) directly from the farmer. These are the coffees we get excited about--both for their quality in the cup, and their capacity for empowerment.
Though these coffees are not sold through a cooperative and therefore can not be certified Fair-trade, we pay premiums above and beyond Fair-Trade. The price the farmer receives is not tied to the volatile swings of the commodities market. Instead the price is based on something very real--quality. In this way micro-lot coffees protect their producers financially while incentivising cup quality. While it is rare for micro-lots to carry an organic certification because of the high cost involved, we try to partner with producers who are either already certified or are working toward that certification.

At Groundwire Coffee Roasters we believe the most effective way to serve coffees with integrity is by sourcing on a case by case basis, developing relationships with our importers and producers, and ensuring that the coffee we are buying not only tastes good but does good, by our customers, our farmers, and our environment. This is what sourcing coffees with integrity means to us, and we stand committed to these practices.

Three Pillars of Sustainable Sourcing

Social Empowerment
We believe coffee is a powerful vehicle for social empowerment. By investing in farmers and co-operatives that have a proven record of giving back to their communities, we are able to offer our customers great tasting coffee as well as peace of mind.

Economic Health
We are committed to ensuring our farmers are rewarded fairly for their efforts. At a minimum, all the coffee we source is Fair-trade. The majority of our offerings, however, are micro-lots -- small lots of coffee that are a product of direct, long-term relationships between our importing partners and the coffee farmers themselves. Premiums above and beyond Fair-trade rates are paid directly to producers, dramatically increasing the farmer’s profits.

Environmental Stewardship
We believe in keeping our footprint small, which is why we seek out farms and co-operatives committed to using natural and innovative methods to save water, deliver nutrients, and manage pests.